Conference held in Moscow on humanitarian cooperation between Azerbaijan and Russia

24 October 2019. Scientific-practical conference was held in Moscow, devoted to the 650th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet and thinker Imadaddin Nasimi under the title “Humanitarian cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan: moral-historical traditions and the present”, organized by the Eurasian International Development Association (EIDA) and Russia State Humanitarian University (RSHU). 

The main goal of the event is to discuss the ways of protection cultural heritage, existing traditions and habits with historical roots in Eurasian area in the circumstance of rapidly globalizing world.

The prorector of RSHU Mr.Irakli Bolkvadze, Chairman of EIDA Mr. Elchin Askerov, director of Russia Political Researches Institute, political scholar Sergey Markov, Ambassador At Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Amb. Elshad Iskandarov and chairman of Institute of Philosophy of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences prof. Ilham Mammadzade made speeches in the opening ceremony of the conference, noting that, the relationships between Azerbaijan and Russia are important from the point of development of integration processes. 

The congratulation addresses of RSHU president, Prof. Yefim Pivovar and Chairman of Committee on Affairs with CIS countries of State Duma of Russian Federation were read out for participants.  In the plenary session, employee of Strategic and Interregional Researches Center under the President of Uzbekistan Ms. Fariza Ramazanova, Russian experts Mr. Grigori Trofimchuk, Ms. Rezeda Galikhuzina and Mr. Mikhail Mukhinmade delivered speech emphasizing on necessity of protection of national and moral values in Eurasian area to stand negative trends created by globalization. 

The participants also discussed the contemporary relations between Azerbaijan and Russia, its perspectives as well as Armenian-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.